May 28, 2017

Butchers and Barbers Instagram

Tuesday Come Join Us In Support Of Human Trafficking Awareness. 600,000-800,000 men, women and children are trafficked across international borders each year. Approximately 80 per cent are women and girls. Up to 50% are minors. At least 20.9 million people are victims of forced labour worldwide. Come join the Fight! @blackrabbitrose @houstonhospitality @olivertrevena #stophumantrafficking

Tuesday Come Join Us In Support Of Human Trafficking Awareness.
600,000-800,000 men, women and children are trafficked across international borders each year. Approximately 80 per cent are women and girls. Up to 50% are minors. At least 20.9 million people are victims of forced labour worldwide.
Come join the Fight! @blackrabbitrose @houstonhospitality @olivertrevena #stophumantrafficking