August 24, 2017

Harvard & Stone Instagram

Guuuys, we are very honored to have the incredible @drmaddvibe (Angelo Moore) from FISHBONE play our stage tonight!!! @corbinjonesbass will be opening the show and special guest DJ Hosted by @charlieclarkmusic & @pluckyeah ! Brought to you by our friends at @peroniusa || FREE SHOW || #harvardandstone #houstonhospitality #hollywood #fishbone #angelomoore #peroni #idratherhaveabottleinfrontofmethanafrontallobotomy

Guuuys, we are very honored to have the incredible @drmaddvibe (Angelo Moore) from FISHBONE play our stage tonight!!! @corbinjonesbass will be opening the show and special guest DJ Hosted by @charlieclarkmusic & @pluckyeah ! Brought to you by our friends at @peroniusa || FREE SHOW || #harvardandstone #houstonhospitality #hollywood #fishbone #angelomoore #peroni #idratherhaveabottleinfrontofmethanafrontallobotomy